Avoiding Dangerous Canine Recipes

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When I read the words, “I and Love and You Cat Food,” my blood runs cold. For me, this is not a food. It is not even a food that I like to eat. I can’t stand the taste.

The words, “I and Love and You Cat Food” are sweet words indeed: but the reality is that these products contain more filler than a can of tuna. There are only five.5 oz cans of this canned cat food, yet it contains more than ten ingredients. These ingredients include artificial flavors, soybean oil, corn, wheat and orange blossom water. In other words, it’s more like a dessert than a nutritious meal. Even veterinarians have criticized the ingredients, stating that it may pose a health risk to your cat.

Also, the ingredients listed do not provide: enough protein content for my cat to meet his nutritional needs. The truth is that our feline friend requires much more protein for energy and muscle development than the minimal requirement stated in the box. Since a cat cannot digest meat, it must get its energy from other sources. Cats are obligate carnivores, which mean that they must eat meat by products. Therefore, if there is minimal protein content in the box, rest assured that your cat will suffer from deficiencies.

Aside from lacking protein content: the other ingredients listed are also in violation of cat owners’ dietary guidelines. Artificial flavors are not allowed in any kind of dry food for cats. Furthermore, wheat and corn are not appropriate as ingredients either. According to many experts and vets, both ingredients may cause an imbalance in the body’s pH, which is a contributing factor in stomach ulcers.

Some brands of me and love and you: cat foods actually sell prepare recipes that pet owners can make themselves. Unfortunately, these recipes are not reviewed nor approved by the ASPCA or ASP Wildlife Damage Prevention Foundation. It is very difficult to find a complete, detailed recall history for any product. Pet owners need to exercise caution when buying a brand new recipe because ingredients in recalled recipes could very well be the reason for a cat’s illness or accident.

Pet food recalls are serious business for manufacturers and retailers: Even reputable brands like i and love and you Cat Food can be held accountable for mistakes and fraudulent claims. The only way to ensure you’re not putting your cat’s health at risk by unwittingly buying a questionable canned cat food recipe is to do your homework. Investigate the recipes being offered and verify their ingredients.

If you can find the recall history, this will help you choose the best brand or recipe to give your kitty canned i and love and you cat food.