Which Dishes Shares Its Names With intestines?

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Many Korean food lovers ask this question: “What is that dessert shares its name with a Korean food made with intestines?” There is no direct relation between the two. In fact, it may be possible that there is no relation at all. However, there is one common thing they have in common – both originated in Korea.

What is sundae dessert? This is a delicious sweet that many Korean people love. It was created as a sweetened ice drink and it gained popularity as a carbonated beverage. The people of Korean were enjoying summer as well as the cool weather when they came up with this recipe and that is when they came up with the name of what we now call the sundae dessert.

When they made the transition – from being a simple carbonated beverage to making an alcoholic drink, they also made a change on how they make their food. The fermented food became known as Korean ginseng. Since ginseng contains medicinal properties, Koreans began to use it as a food that contains medicinal benefits. They combined the elements of the ginseng and red apples to create what we know today as the modern-day sundae. At first glance, looking at the ingredients that go into a typical Sundae, one would think that it is made out of mostly red apples and some type of blood sausage. But once you get a closer look at this traditional recipe, you will find out that there are a lot more ingredients that go into it.

First of all – the Korean version of the sundae is not actually a traditional Korean dessert. It is actually a fermented apple beverage that contains red apples and red wine. The fermented apple, along with the wine are added to colloidal silver so that it can be served as a hot dark drink. Although most of us view a Sundae in this light, the true story of which dessert shares its name with a Korean food made with intestines is a very different story.

In order to make a nutritious – wholesome, and good tasting Korean dish, it is first necessary to understand the true process of fermentation. Traditional Korean dishes include young bokgul, which means, “brined food made with bones”. In this case, the food is brined using bones from the ox. This training makes it very rich in minerals, which is why the ox is used here. After training, the young bokgul is cooked at a very high temperature, much higher than most other foods. The end result is food that is very rich in mineral content, which is exactly what we are looking for in our sundae Korean dish.

The true story of which dessert shares – its name with a Korean food made with intestines is not the same as the one you might have seen on the news or in the movies. True gastronomy knows that the most nourishing cuisine lies within the soil where the food grows.

So if you ever find yourself thinking, which dessert shares its name with a Korean dish that uses intestines, I encourage you to learn to cook Korean food. You will be glad you did. And, you will be onto of an exciting and new cuisine.